Our Academy of Management Journal paper was published in-print this month, and we've gotten some coverage in Business Daily, some hype in management-issues.com, and even an article in Yahoo!News
Earlier in February, we've kicked-off the IPA-financed PACINNO (Platform for trans-Academic Cooperation in Innovation) project that we successfully designed along with friends/colleagues from seven countries and applied for in CoBIK.
The goal of PACINNO is to establish a platform for cooperation in research and innovation covering the whole Adriatic region. Targeting both research institutions, policy makers and business entities, the project will help develop new bridges between the research and scientific activities, carried out at academic institutions, and the economic system, with specific reference to the technological needs of SMEs. More generally, PACINNO is aimed at overcoming the main obstacles and barriers to the economic development of the Adriatic countries, fostering the competitiveness of their minor firms (both in the high-tech fields and in the traditional industries), and promoting the creation of innovative start-ups. Here's the project consortium: Final Beneficiaries
Matej Černe, PhD
Researcher, lecturer and consultant on the field of management and organization. Archives
May 2024
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